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Maria Daglia

NameMaria Daglia

Technical postProfessor

AddressDepartment of Pharmacy, University of Naples Federico II,   Italy



1993: Ph.D. –   Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology at the University of Pavia, Italy.
  1989: B.Sc. - Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology at the University of   Pavia, Italy.

Professional   Experience

2019:   successful candidate of the public competition for Full professor in Food   Chemistry at the Department of Pharmacy, University of Naples Federico II,   Italy.
  2015-2019: Associate professor in Food Chemistry at the Dept. of Drug   Sciences, University of Pavia,
  2002-2015: Assistant professor in Food Chemistry, Dept. of Pharmaceutical   Chemistry, University of Pavia, Italy.
  1998: VII level technician in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Dept. of   Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of Pavia, Italy.
  1996-1997: Post-doc position, Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University   of Pavia, Italy.

Scientific Research Field

1) the study   of biological properties of natural compounds either naturally occurring or   induced in foods following thermo/technological treatments, useful in food,   nutraceutical and pharmaceutical fields; In particular M.D. studied the   antibacterial, antioxidant, antiadhesive, anticaries, antidepressive-like,   anti-inflammatory properties.
  2) the development of analytical spectrophotometric and chromatographyc   methods (TLC, GC, GFC, HPLC, HPLC-ESI-MSn) for the identification and   determination of biological active compounds occurring in foods and natural   extracts.

  3) the study of bioaccessibility, bioavailability and mechanisms of action at   molecular levels of food components, especially of plant origin, including   epigenetic mechanism of actions.

Social academic post and honor

1.1989-2012,   member of the Food Chemistry Laboratory of the Department of Drug Sciences at   the University of Pavia.

  2.2012 -2019, in charge of the Food Chemistry Laboratory of the Department of   Drug Sciences at the University of Pavia.

  3.Award: 11 Women of Science at the University of Pavia
  4.Winners of the 2017 Tanners for the Most Cited Articles of 2014

Teaching Courses

M.D. teaching activity started in 2003 as Assistant Professor of: “Dietetic   Products”,
“Food Chemistry”
“Food Chemistry and Analysis”

Published   papers

In the past   five years, she has hosted two EU and three Italian national projects and the   research activity is documented by 159 scientific papers and by 127   communications to national and international congresses (51 oral   communication and 76 posters) and 3 book chapters (H-index: 36;   pubblications: 159; citations: 4383 - (Scopus 09/04/2019). She is a reviewer   of papers for about 40 international Journals (among which, Journal of   Agriculture and Food Chemistry, International Journal of Food Science and   Technology, Food and Chemical Toxicology, Food Research International, Food   Chemistry, etc.).

Main Scientific Research Projects

Prof. Daglia’s   research activity has been supported by local grants (Progetto d'Ateneo of   Pavia University), by regional grants (Veneto - Lombardia), by national   grants (MISE: Italian Ministry of Economic Development, MURST co-financing   for PRIN projects, Italian Ministry of University), and by EU grant, in which   she was involved as principal investigator or as a member of the Research   Unit.
  In addition, she is scientific responsible for many projects funded by   Italian and European Nutraceutical Companies.


Scientific Research Achievements and Awards

Number of   postgraduates under supervision

Number of   supervised masters and Ph.D.

Number of   supervised undergraduates

The above   information updated


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