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Shi Jiyong

NameShi Jiyong

Technical postPhD supervisor

AddressSchool of Food & Biological Engineering, Wenhua405



Jiangsu   University, Food science, BS, 2007
  Jiangsu University, Food science, MS, 2010
  Jiangsu University, Food science, phD, 2012

Professional Experience

Jiangsu   University, Professor, 2018-Now
  Jiangsu University, Associate Professor, MS, 2014-2018
  Jiangsu University, Lecturer, 2012-2014

Scientific Research Field

Rapid &   nondestructive detection of Agri-product & food
  Infrared spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging technology
  Nanosensors detection

Social academic post and honor

Teaching Courses

Food   Processing Machinery and Equipment
  Non-destructive quality detection technology of food

Published   papers

[1]Li W T, Shi   Y Q, Hu X T, Li Z H, Huang X W, Melvin Holmes, Gong Y Y, Shi J Y, Zou X B.   Visual detection of nitrite in sausage based on a ratiometric fluorescent   system. Food Control , 2019, 106.
  [2]Shi J Y, Li W T, Zhai X D, Guo Z M, Mel Holmes, Haroon Elrasheid Tahir   & Zou X B. Nondestructive diagnostics of magnesium deficiency based on   distribution features of chlorophyll concentrations map on cucumber leaf,   Journal of Plant Nutrition, DOI: 10.1080/01904167.2019.1659332
  [3]Shi J Y, Zhang F, Wu S B, Guo Z M, Huang X W, Hu X T, Mel Holmes, Zou X B.   Noise-free microbial colony counting method based on hyperspectral features   of agar plates, Food Chemistry 274 (2019) 925–932.
  [4]Li Z H, Shi J Y, Huang X W, et al. Micro-sensors based on hypha-templated   coaxial microfibers[J]. ANALYTICAL METHODS. 2018, 10(1): 138-144.
  [5]Shi J Y, Chen W, Zou X B, et al. Detection of triterpene acids   distribution in loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) leaf using hyperspectral imaging[J].   SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY. 2018,   188: 436-442.
  [6]Hu X T, Shi J Y, Zhang F, et al. Determination of Retrogradation Degree in   Starch by Mid-infrared and Raman Spectroscopy during Storage[J]. FOOD   ANALYTICAL METHODS. 2017, 10(11): 3694-3705.
  [7]Shi J Y, Hu X T, Zou X B, et al. A rapid and nondestructive method to   determine the distribution map of protein, carbohydrate and sialic acid on   Edible bird's nest by hyper-spectral imaging and chemometrics[J]. FOOD CHEMISTRY.   2017, 229: 235-241.
  [8]Zhai X D, Shi J Y, Zou X B, et al. Novel colorimetric films based on   starch/polyvinyl alcohol incorporated with roselle anthocyanins for fish   freshness monitoring[J]. FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS. 2017, 69: 308-317.
  [9]Shi J Y, Zhang F, Li Z H, et al. Rapid authentication of Indonesian edible   bird's nests by near-infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics[J]. ANALYTICAL   METHODS. 2017, 9(8): 1297-1306.
  [10]Shi J Y, Hu X T, Zou X B, et al. A heuristic and parallel simulated   annealing algorithm for variable selection in near-infrared spectroscopy   analysis[J]. JOURNAL OF CHEMOMETRICS. 2016, 30(8): 442-450.
  [11]Shi J Y, Zou X B, Huang X W, et al. Rapid detecting total acid content   and classifying different types of vinegar based on near infrared   spectroscopy and least-squares support vector machine[J]. FOOD CHEMISTRY.   2013, 138(1): 192-199.
  [12]Shi J Y, Zou X B, Zhao J W, et al. Pre-Visual Diagnostics of Phosphorus   Deficiency in Mini-Cucumber Plants Using Near-Infrared Reflectance   Spectroscopy[J]. APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY. 2012, 66(12): 1426-1432.
  [13]Shi J Y, Zou X B, Zhao J W, et al. Determination of total flavonoids   content in fresh Ginkgo biloba leaf with different colors using near infrared   spectroscopy[J]. SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR   SPECTROSCOPY. 2012, 94: 271-276.
  [14]Shi J Y, Zou X B, Zhao J W, et al. Nondestructive diagnostics of nitrogen   deficiency by cucumber leaf chlorophyll distribution map based on near   infrared hyperspectral imaging[J]. SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE. 2012, 138:   190-197.
  [15]Shi J Y, Zou X B, Zhao J W, et al. Near infrared quantitative analysis of   total flavonoid content in fresh Ginkgo biloba leaves based on different   wavelength region selection methods and partial least squares regression[J].   JOURNAL OF NEAR INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY. 2012, 20(2): 295-305.
  [16]Shi J Y, Zou X B, Zhao J W, et al. Diagnostics of nitrogen deficiency in   mini-cucumber plant by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy[J]. AFRICAN   JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY. 2011, 10(85): 19687-19692.
  [17]Shi J Y, Zou X B, Zhao J W, et al. Rapid Diagnostics of Early Phosphorus   Deficiency in Mini-Cucumber Plants under Protected Cultivation by Near   Infrared Spectroscopy[J]. SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS. 2011, 31(12):   3264-3268.
  [18]Shi J Y, Zou X B, Zhao J W, et al. Selection of wavelength for strawberry   NIR spectroscopy based on BiPLS combined with SAA[J]. JOURNAL OF INFRARED AND   MILLIMETER WAVES. 2011, 30(5): 458-462.
  [19]Shi J Y, Zou X B, Zhao J W, et al. Measurement of Chlorophyll   Distribution in Cucumber Leaves Based on Hyper-spectral Imaging Technique[J].   CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. 2011, 39(2): 243-247.
  [20]Shi J Y, Zou X B, Zhao J W, et al. A New Method of Characteristic   Wavelength Sub-Range Selection of Near Infrared Spectroscopy[J]. SPECTROSCOPY   AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS. 2010, 30(12): 3199-3202.

Main Scientific Research Projects

[1]National   Key Research and Development Program of China (2017YFC1600805,   2018YFD0701001), ¥110K
  [2]National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants No. 31772073):   Quantitative determination of components/structures distribution and the   development of control mechanism for protecting Chinese dried noodle. ¥72K
  [3]National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants No. 61301239):   Extraction of leaf components distribution characteristics caused by mild N,   P, K, Mg deficiencies in cucumber using hyperspectral image technology.
  [4]Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (Grants No. BK20130505)
  [5]China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grants No. 2013M540422)


Applied for 38   invention patents, 13 of them have been authorized, 3 international patent   have been authorized

Scientific   Research Achievements and Awards
  2015, Higher school science outstanding achievement technology invented the   first prize
  2015, Recognition award in China patent award
  2014, China machinery industry science and technology first prize
  2013, Jiangsu Province Excellent Doctoral Dissertation

Scientific Research Achievements and Awards

Number of   postgraduates under supervision


Number of   supervised masters and Ph.D.


Number of   supervised undergraduates


The above   information updated

Oct.  2021

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